13 Must-Read Books From CEOs and Innovators

13 Must-Read Books From CEOs and Innovators

It’s Women’s History Month and The O’Daily is all in. We’re building on last week’s career wisdom with 13 fantastic book recommendations from women leaders. Check out what the best CEOs, investors, innovators, and global leaders are reading and why.

13 Amazing Books To Grow Your Self and Career

1. Radical Acceptance

By Tara Brach

So much of the startup experience for me has been managing my emotions, energy.... existence, really. Getting (and staying) over the sense that I'm not good enough, in all of the many ways that fear shows up, is one of the biggest unlocks I've found as a founder.

- Angela Ferrante, CEO of Laudable

2. Atomic Habits

By James Clear

This book changed the way I thought about setting goals. Instead of simply setting a goal, I now set habits that will help me achieve that goal. I encourage friends and family to write down a description of the person they want to be a year from now and then write down that person's habits. What time do they wake up? What's their morning routine? Then, slowly start to adopt those habits and watch your life transform.

- Shante Frazier, CEO of WellCapped

(Kathryn: +100. Atomic Habits is one of the goal-domination strategies here.)

3. Vanishing Half

By Britt Bennett

A favorite since I started reading more during the pandemic. It's a great story about different perceptions and perspectives of race and identity.

- Eileen Lee, Co-founder of The Lola

4. Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business

By Gino Wickman

Must read for any entrepreneur! Practical, tactical advice to building and leading a scaling, sustainable business.

- Karen Houghton, CEO of Infinite Giving

5. Cassandra Speaks

By Elizabeth Lesser

This book made me realize that so much of how society and business is shaped is deeply rooted in history, biology, and more. Sometimes systems need to be rocked. Lesser’s message is "when women are the storytellers, the human story changes."

- Sara Saxner-Coughlin, Head of Platform at Overline

6. How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

By Michael Gelb

Fantastic book on the creative and learning process.

- Amelia Schaffner, Director of Emory Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

7. Half The Sky

By Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Inspiring stories about women’s rights across the globe.

- Elizabeth Feidler, Principal at Noro-Moseley

8. Uncharted: How To Navigate the Future

By Margaret Heffernan

She’s also a TedTalk speaker and it’s funny as all get out!

- Jacqui Chew, CMO at Liquid

9. Daring Greatly

By Brene Brown

The most real assessment of the human condition and what it means to be living your best life.

- Angela Fusaro, CEO of Physician360

10. Measure What Matters

By John Doerr

This is by far the best book I have ever read on strategic planning and should be on the shelves of anyone who leads a team.

- Sarah Saadatjoo, Global Head of Quality & Customer Insights at Wix

11. You are a Badass

By Jen Sincero

Loved the message of empowerment!

- Allyson Eman, CEO of Venture Atlanta

12. Emergent Strategy

By Adrienne Maree Brown

Brown comes at change leadership with so much humanity.

- Blanca Catalina Garcia, CEO of BCG Innovation

13. Referral of a Lifetime: Never Make a Cold Call Again

By Tim Templeton

An easy read on how to leverage and grow your network.

- Lauren Kane, CEO of VC Worthy Business

Did you update your reading list?!? Same. Such a good mix of business, life, growth, celebration, and story.

Thank you to these amazing women for taking the time to share what transforms and inspires them.

What’s the book that’s been most impactful on your life?